Charts Customization

Charts Configuration

ReportView charts_settings is a list of objects which each object represent a chart configurations. The chart configurations are:

  • title: the Chart title. Defaults to the report_title.

  • type: A string. Examples are pie, bar, line, etc …

  • engine_name: A string, default to the ReportView chart_engine attribute, then to the SLICK_REPORTING_SETTINGS.DEFAULT_CHARTS_ENGINE.

  • data_source: string, the field name containing the numbers we want to plot.

  • title_source: string, the field name containing labels of the data_source

  • plot_total: if True the chart will plot the total of the columns. Useful with time series and crosstab reports.

  • entryPoint: the javascript entry point to display the chart, the entryPoint function accepts the data, $elem and the chartSettings parameters.

On front end, for each chart needed we pass the whole response to the relevant chart helper function and it handles the rest.

Customizing the entryPoint for a chart

Sometimes you want to display the chart differently, in this case, you can just change the entryPoint function.


class ProductSalesApexChart(ReportView):
    # ..
    template_name = "product_sales_report.html"
    chart_settings = [
        # ..
            "Total sold $",
            entryPoint="displayChartCustomEntryPoint",  # this is the new entryPoint

Then in your template product_sales_report.html add the javascript function specified as the new entryPoint.

{% extends "slick_reporting/report.html" %}
{% load  slick_reporting_tags %}
{% block extra_js %}
    {{ block.super }}
        function displayChartCustomEntryPoint(data, $elem, chartSettings) {
            // data: is the ajax response coming from server
            // $elem: is the jquery element where the chart should be rendered
            // chartSettings: is the relevant chart dictionary/object in your ReportView chart_settings
            // do your custom logic here

{% endblock %}

Adding a new charting engine

In the following part we will add some Apex charts to the demo app to demonstrate how you can add your own charting engine to slick reporting.

  1. We need to add the new chart Engine to the settings. Note that the css and js are specified and handled like Django’s Form.Media

    "CHARTS": {
        "apexcharts": {
            "entryPoint": "DisplayApexPieChart",
            "js": (
                "js_file_for_apex_chart.js",  # this file contains the entryPoint function and is responsible
                # for compiling the data and rendering the chart
            "css": {
                "all": ""
  1. Add the entry point function to the javascript file js_file_for_apex_chart.js in this example.

It can look something like this:

let chart = null;
function DisplayApexPieChart(data, $elem, chartOptions) {
    // Where:
    // data: is the ajax response coming from server
    // $elem: is the jquery element where the chart should be rendered
   // chartOptions: is the relevant chart dictionary/object in your ReportView chart_settings

        let legendAndSeries = $.slick_reporting.chartsjs.getGroupByLabelAndSeries(data, chartOptions);
        // `getGroupByLabelAndSeries` is a helper function that will return an object with two keys: labels and series

        let options = {}
        if (chartOptions.type === "pie") {
            options = {
                series: legendAndSeries.series,
                chart: {
                    type: "pie",
                    height: 350
                labels: legendAndSeries.labels,
        } else {
            options = {
                chart: {
                    type: 'bar'
                series: [{
                    name: 'Sales',
                    data: legendAndSeries.series
                xaxis: {
                    categories: legendAndSeries.labels,

        try {
            // destroy old chart, if any
        } catch (e) {
            // do nothing

        chart = new ApexCharts($elem[0], options);