
Exporting to CSV

To trigger an export to CSV, just add ?_export=csv to the url. This is performed by by the Export to CSV button in the default form.

This will call the export_csv on the view class, engaging a ExportToStreamingCSV

Having an _export parameter not implemented, ie the view class do not implement export_{parameter_name}, will be ignored.

Configuring the CSV export option

You can disable the CSV export option by setting the csv_export_class attribute to False on the view class. and you can override the function and its attributes to customize the button text

class CustomExportReport(GroupByReport):
    report_title = _("Custom Export Report")

    def export_csv(self, report_data):
        return super().export_csv(report_data)

    export_csv.title = _("My Custom CSV export Title")
    export_csv.css_class = "btn btn-success"

Adding an export option

You can extend the functionality, say you want to export to pdf. Add a export_pdf method to the view class, accepting the report_data json response and return the response you want. This export_pdf` will be called automatically when url parameter contain ``?_export=pdf

Example to add a pdf export option:

class CustomExportReport(GroupByReport):
    report_title = _("Custom Export Report")
    export_actions = ["export_pdf"]

    def export_pdf(self, report_data):
        return HttpResponse(f"Dummy PDF Exported {report_data}")

    export_pdf.title = _("Export PDF")
    export_pdf.icon = "fa fa-file-pdf-o"
    export_pdf.css_class = "btn btn-primary"

The export function should accept the report_data json response and return the response you want.