

Settings are changed in version 1.1.1 to being a dictionary instead of individual variables. Variables will continue to work till next major release.

Below are the default settings for django-slick-reporting. You can override them in your settings file.

    "JQUERY_URL": "",
    "DEFAULT_START_DATE_TIME": datetime(, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc
    ),  # Default: 1st Jan of current year
    "DEFAULT_END_DATE_TIME":,  # Default to today
    "MEDIA": {
        "override": False,  # set it to True to override the media files,
        # False will append the media files to the existing ones.
        "js": (
        "css": {
            "all": (
        "CSS_URL": "",
        "ICONS": {
            "pie": "fas fa-chart-pie",
            "bar": "fas fa-chart-bar",
            "line": "fas fa-chart-line",
            "area": "fas fa-chart-area",
            "column": "fas fa-chart-column",
    "CHARTS": {
        "highcharts": "$.slick_reporting.highcharts.displayChart",
        "chartjs": "$.slick_reporting.chartjs.displayChart",
    "MESSAGES": {
        "total": _("Total"),

    Link to the jquery file, You can use set it to False and manage the jQuery addition to your liking


    Default date time that would appear on the filter form in the start date


    Default date time that would appear on the filter form in the end date


    Font awesome is used to display the icon next to the chart title. You can override the following settings:

    1. CSS_URL: URL to the font-awesome css file

    2. ICONS: Icons used for different chart types.


    The entry points for displaying charts on the front end. You can add your own chart engine by adding an entry to this dictionary.


    The strings used in the front end. You can override them here, it also gives a chance to set and translate them per your requirements.

Old versions settings:

  1. SLICK_REPORTING_DEFAULT_START_DATE: Default: the beginning of the current year

  2. SLICK_REPORTING_DEFAULT_END_DATE: Default: the end of the current year.

  3. SLICK_REPORTING_FORM_MEDIA: Controls the media files required by the search form. Defaults is:

    "css": {
        "all": (
    "js": (
  1. SLICK_REPORTING_DEFAULT_CHARTS_ENGINE: Controls the default chart engine used.