The Report View

Below is the list of options that can be used in the ReportView class.

Core Options


The model where the relevant data is stored, in more complex reports, it’s usually a database view / materialized view. You can customize it at runtime via the get_report_model hook.

class MyReportView(ReportView):

    def get_report_model(self):
        from my_app.models import MyReportModel
        return MyReportModel.objects.filter(some_field__isnull=False)


The queryset to be used in the report, if not specified, it will default to report_model._default_manager.all()


If the data in the report_model needs to be grouped by a field. It can be a foreign key, a text field / choice field on the report model or traversing.

Example: Assuming we have the following SalesModel

class SalesModel(models.Model):
    date = models.DateTimeField()
    notes = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
    client = models.ForeignKey(
        "client.Client", on_delete=models.PROTECT, verbose_name=_("Client")
    product = models.ForeignKey(
        "product.Product", on_delete=models.PROTECT, verbose_name=_("Product")
    value = models.DecimalField(max_digits=9, decimal_places=2)
    quantity = models.DecimalField(max_digits=9, decimal_places=2)
    price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=9, decimal_places=2)

Our ReportView can have the following group_by options:

from slick_reporting.views import ReportView

class MyReport(ReportView):
    report_model = SalesModel
    group_by = "product"  # a field on the model
    # OR
    # group_by = 'client__country' a traversing foreign key field
    # group_by = 'client__gender' a traversing  choice field


Columns are a list of column names and to make it more flexible, you can pass a tuple of column name and options. The options are only verbose_name and is_summable.

like this:

class MyReport(ReportView):
            columns = [
                ("name", {"verbose_name": "My verbose name", "is_summable": False}),

A column name can be any of the following:

  1. A computation field

  2. A field on the grouped by model

  3. A callable on the view /or the generator

  4. A Special __time_series__, __crosstab__, __index__

Let’s take them one by one:

1. A Computation Field.

Added as a class or by its name. Example:

from slick_reporting.fields import ComputationField, Sum
from slick_reporting.registry import field_registry
from slick_reporting.views import ReportView

class MyTotalReportField(ComputationField):
    name = "__some_special_name__"

class MyReport(ReportView):
    columns = [
        ComputationField.create(Sum, "value", verbose_name=_("Value"), name="value"),
        # a computation field created on the fly

        MyTotalReportField, # Added a a class

        "__some_special_name__", # added by name

For more information: Computation Field

2. Fields on the group by model

Implying that the group_by is set to a field on the report_model.

class MyReport(ReportView):
    report_model = SalesModel
    group_by = "client"
    columns = [
        "name",  # field that exists on the Client Model
        "date_of_birth",  # field that exists on the Client Model
        "agent__name",  # a traversing field from client model
        # ...

 # If the group_by is traversing then the available columns would be of the model at the end of the traversing
class MyOtherReport(ReportView):
    report_model = MySales
    group_by = "client__agent"
    columns = [
        "country",  # fields that exists on the Agent Model
        "contact__email",  # A traversing field from the Agent model


If group_by is not set, columns can be only a calculation field. refer to the topic no_group_by_topic

3. A callable on the view

The callable should accept the following arguments

param obj:

a dictionary of the current group_by row

param row:

a the current row of the report.


the value to be displayed in the report

class Report(ReportView):
    columns = [ "field_on_group_by_model", "group_by_model__traversing_field",
                "get_attribute", ComputationField.create(name="example")]

    def get_attribute(self, obj: dict, row: dict):
         # obj: a dictionary of the current group_by row
         # row: a the current row of the report.

        return f"{obj["field_on_group_by_model_2"]} - {row["group_by_model__traversing_field"]}"

    get_attribute.verbose_name = "My awesome title"

4. A Special __time_series__, __crosstab__, __index__

__time_series__: is used to control the position of the time series columns inside the report.

__crosstab__: is used to control the position of the crosstab columns inside the report.

__index__: is used to display the index of the report, it’s usually used with the group_by_custom_querysets option.


The date field to be used in filtering and computing


The name of the start date field, if not specified, it will default to what set in date_field


The name of the end date field, if not specified, it will default to date_field


A list of Chart objects representing the charts you want to attach to the report.


class MyReport(ReportView):
    report_model = Request
    # ..
    chart_settings = [
            type=Chart.PIE, # or just string "bar"
            "Browsers Bar Chart",


The form you need to display to control the results. Default to an automatically generated form containing the start date, end date and all foreign keys on the model. For more information: filter_form


Fields to be excluded from the automatically generated form


Control if the report should be loaded automatically on page load or not, default to True


The title of the report to be displayed in the report page.


The context key to be used to pass the report title to the template, default to report_title.


The template to be used to render the report, default to slick_reporting/report.html You can override this to customize the report look and feel.


Set the csv export class to be used to export the report, default to ExportToStreamingCSV


Set the generator class to be used to generate the report, default to ReportGenerator


A Default order by for the results. As you would expect, for DESC order: default_order_by (or order_by as a parameter) =’-field_name’


Ordering can also be controlled at run time by passing order_by=’field_name’ as a parameter to the view.


Limit the number of records to be displayed in the report, default to None (no limit)


Swap the sign of the values in the report, default to False

Double Sided Calculations Options


Set if double sided calculations should be taken into account, default to False Read more about double sided calculations here


Set the doc_type field name to be used in double sided calculations, default to doc_type


Set the doc_type plus list to be used in double sided calculations, default to None


Set the doc_type minus list to be used in double sided calculations, default to None

Hooks and functions


Override this function to return a custom queryset to be used in the report.


Override this function to return a custom report title.


Override this function to return a custom response for ajax requests.


Override this function to return a custom row format.

ReportView.filter_results(data, for_print=False)

Hook to Filter results, usable if you want to do actions on the data set based on computed data (like eliminate __balance__ = 0, etc) :param data: the data set , list of dictionaries :param for_print: if the data is being filtered for printing or not :return: the data set after filtering.


Override this function to return a custom crispy form helper for the report form.